Guide To Practice

The best way to begin practicing Zen with us is by visiting one of our groups. In the meantime, there are resources you can start using right now.

Rinzai Zen Buddhism books written by Meido Moore Roshi of Korinji Monastery

Getting Started

When we meet you for the first time, you will receive basic instruction in meditation to start your own daily practice. You will also begin to develop a relationship with our community, and have the chance to attend our events.

But even if you are unable to visit a group, there are resources available to you. Meido Roshi has written a book specifically for beginners containing practice instructions you may start using right away: The Rinzai Zen Way: A Guide to Practice.​ Another resource you can access right now is our online collection of instructional and dharma talk videos, including full instruction in basic meditation, hosted by Patreon.

At some point when you are ready you may apply to become a formal student of our teacher, Meido Roshi. A short, face-to-face ceremony called shoken formalizes this, and opens the door to more intensive instruction.

Intro to Zen Days

Korinji monastery, our headquarters temple in Wisconsin (about 50 miles from Madison), hosts a monthly open house: our Intro to Zen Days. Meido Roshi gives beginning meditation instruction and a short talk. Afterward, we enjoy tea and coffee together, and participants receive a tour of the monastery.

These are also open practice days when experienced meditators can sit with us and have dokusan (private meetings with our abbot to discuss their practice).

We welcome you to join us!

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Zen Life Retreats

If you are new to Zen, please consider joining us at Korinji for a beginner's sesshin: our Zen Life Retreat.

Lasting three days, these are immersive events during which you will get a taste of Zen monastery life, deepen your meditation, and receive direct guidance from our teacher. Through this experience, you will start to see how Zen practice can transform your own life into a path of wisdom and compassion.

Zen Life Retreats are appropriate for teens and adults, of all ages and conditions. Though challenging, no experience is required. See "Important Information" above for the sesshin info and application.