Retreats & Events
Throughout the year, we meet to practice and support one another at Korinji and around the world. We look forward to meeting you! See our Calendar for upcoming in-person events. (Don't forget to check for Meditation Groups near you, where you can receive instruction and meet our community members).

Learn To Meditate
Korinji offers instruction for beginners three times a week at groups in nearby Madison and Baraboo, Wisconsin. These are ideal places for you to learn to meditate, meet our teacher and community, and come away with tools you need to start a daily practice at home. Not near Korinji? We have other groups worldwide! Please see the Meditation Groups page.

Zen Life Retreat: For Beginners
If you are new to meditation, please also consider joining us for our annual weekend-long beginner's retreat at Korinji: the Zen Life Retreat. You will learn to meditate, have a taste of monastery life, and receive direct guidance from our teacher. Zen Life Retreats are appropriate for adults and mature teens. See the Calendar for dates and details.
Sesshin, Shugendo Training,
Art Classes, & More
For more experienced Zen practitioners, Korinji offers six Dai-Sesshin — 7 day intensive meditation retreats — each year at the monastery, plus two additional sesshin annually in Europe. Explore our Calendar for these and many other events, including Shugendo Mountain Training, special seminars, art classes, and more.

Shoken: Becoming a Student
At some point after beginning your Zen practice with us and engaging with our community, you may apply to become a formal student of our teacher, Meido Roshi. A short, face-to-face ceremony called shoken formalizes this, and opens the door to more intensive instruction. It is conducted at many events throughout the year. Please inquire.

Goma: Fire Ritual
At least once each month, public goma — a mikkyo fire ritual during which prayers are made for many persons and purposes — is conducted at Korinji, and you are welcome to attend. During goma you may also submit (in person or by email) prayers to be written on the wooden boards burned in the fire. Full details may be found in the Calendar listings. Suggested donation to support the monastery: $5 for each prayer board.

Buddhist Ceremonies
A number of ceremonies throughout the year at the monastery are open to the public; please see the Calendar listing of each for full details. Meido Roshi and other ordained persons in our community are also able to conduct Buddhist ceremonies for various purposes: weddings, funerals or burials (for both persons and beloved pets), memorial services, and the exorcism or blessing of buildings. Please inquire.